The Role of Routine in Managing Stress

The Role of Routine in Managing Stress

Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash Virtually everyone has a preference for the level of structure they have in their life. For some, having the option be flexible offers peace of mind and a feeling of personal control. Others see established structure and routine as...
Coping Mechanisms for Stress and Anxiety

Coping Mechanisms for Stress and Anxiety

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), stress is a common and normal response to situational pressures. It is most common when the brain interprets these situations as threatening or dangerous. “Stress is the...
Mental Health and Perfectionism

Mental Health and Perfectionism

Via Educate4Change Think about your disposition right now. What are you feeling? How do you feel in relation to others, to your centre, to your aspirational self? What preoccupations come up as barriers to balance or comfort? The great thing about therapy is that you...
How to Cope with Social Isolation During COVID-19

How to Cope with Social Isolation During COVID-19

Photo by freddie marriage on Unsplash After months of staying away from friends and family, it has become second nature to remain socially distant. Being well practiced doesn’t mean that it’s easy, though. One of the most universal human conditions is becoming...